Compass Collaborative

Collaborative Divorce in Seattle & the Eastside

Adrienne Keith Wills

Posted on by adrienne

Adrienne Keith is a Seattle-based family law attorney who helps couples and families reach common ground. Drawing on her experience as a collaborative lawyer, and on her experience as a mediator, Adrienne guides clients in meeting the demands of the legal process and addressing their interests. Adrienne’s goal is to educate clients so that they can make wise choices for their unique situation.

Adrienne Keith graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and attended the University of Wisconsin Law School, where she served as an Editor-in-Chief for the Wisconsin Women’s Law Journal. Since relocating to Seattle in 2003, Adrienne has been active in bar and community groups, including the WSBA ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Section, King County Collaborative Law, and the Bellevue Neighborhood Mediation Program. She is a past chair of the King County Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution section.

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